Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Day 20 - Drive-In Movies anyone?

While digging thru piles of old college pictures the other night, I ran across one in particular that made me smile, perfect for sharing on this TBT.

This was a glimpse of the first social gathering Ted and I planned together.  It was Labor Day weekend Senior Year on campus.  New faces, no major studying underway yet, and a long weekend full of endless possibilities.   "Ok, so you round up as many Presby girls as you can find and I will grab all the FarmHouse guys and their trucks.  We'll pick you up at 5".  Time for a FarmHouse/Presby Impromptu Drive-In Movie Exchange in Gibson City.  Thanks to all of our friends who humored us back then and also to those who humor us today with our random impromptu social events.

And speaking of, I think it's time to plan another one.  Guys, grab your trucks, your wives and your kids.  Summer will be here soon and I don't know about you, but I'm ready to greet it with enthusiasm.  I'm thinking Memorial Day Weekend at the Springfield Route 66 Drive-In.  Like if you want me to tag you in on the details.

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